Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

My beautiful daughter was turning sixteen. Her dad went to court to request that he have her for her birthday. He got what he wanted and I assumed that he had big plans for her. When I talked to her on her birthday she told me that her dad and step mom didn't do anything for her birthday not even a cake. I was horrified. How can a father not know how important a girls sixteenth birthday is? A few days later Mikayla was to come home. Two hours before I was to go get her I decided to have a birthday party for her even though it was five days late. In two hours I had the house decorated, cake was bought and friends were invited. I went and picked up Mikayla and took her home. When we got there the house was full of guests, punch was being served and Micheal Jackson was playing. I was so happy it looked like a real party! Mikayla was so surprised and excited. I wish I could describe the look on her face. She is a very animated character. She put princes crowns on everyone including the boys. She was laughing and joking nonstop for hours. She had all of us laughing so hard our sides hurt and our cheeks cramped. Mikayla is so much fun! It is to bad her dad doesn't see it and is missing the best parts of her life. It also goes to show that you can have a successful party last minute. That party will live on in our memories for the rest of our life.

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